Information sources
Below you will find an overview of reference work on, among other things, the distribution, ecology of and research techniques on small mustelids.
Books and book chapters
- Allgöwer, R. 2007. Mauswiesel (Kleines Wiesel) Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766: 459-466. In: M. Braun & F. Dieterlen (red.). Die Säugetiere Baden-Würtenbergs, Band 2. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
- Birks, J. 2015. Polecats. Whittet Books, Essex.
- Elmeros, M., A.B. Madsen & Y. Asferg 2007. Brud Mustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766: 190-193. In: H.J. Baagøe & T.S. Jensen (red.). Dansk pattedyratlas. Gyldendal, København.
- Hofmeester, T. van & J. Dekker. 2016. Bunzing. In: Broekhuizen, S. et al. (red.). Atlas van de Nederlandse Zoogdieren – Natuur van Nederland 12. Naturalis Biodiversity Center & EIS Kenniscentrum en andere ongewervelden & Zoogdiervereniging.
- King, C.M. & Powell 2007. The history of weasels and stoats. Oxford University Press, New York.
- Lambin, X. 2018. The population dynamics of bite-sized predators: prey dependence, territoriality, and mobility. In: Biology and conservation of musteloids. pp 129–148
- Maanen, E. van 2011. Wezel Mustela nivalis: 130-131. In: Douma, T., C. Zoon, T. Bode, H. Mellema, D. Tuitert & M. Zekhuis (red.). De zoogdieren van Overijssel. Profiel Uitgeverij, Bedum.
- Maanen, E. van & J. Mos. 2016. Hermelijn. In: Broekhuizen, S. et al. (red.). Atlas van de Nederlandse Zoogdieren – Natuur van Nederland 12. Naturalis Biodiversity Center & EIS Kenniscentrum en andere ongewervelden & Zoogdiervereniging.
- Marchesi, Paul C.Mermod & H.C. Salzmann 2010. Marder, Iltis, Nerz und Wiesel. Haupt Verlag, Bern.
- Mos, J. van & E. van, Maanen. 2016. Wezel. In: Broekhuizen, S. et al. (red.). Atlas van de Nederlandse Zoogdieren – Natuur van Nederland 12. Naturalis Biodiversity Center & EIS Kenniscentrum en andere ongewervelden & Zoogdiervereniging.
- McDonald, R. & S. Harris 2006. Stoats and weasels. The Mammal Society, London.
- Morelissen, H. 2010. Wezel (Mustela nivalis): 333-336. In: Huizenga, N., R. Akkermans, J. Buys, J. van der Coelen, B. Morelissen & L. Verheggen (red.). Zoogdieren van Limburg, verspreiding en ecologie in de periode 1980-2007. Stichting Natuurpublicaties Limburg, Maastricht.
- Müri, Helen, 2015. Die kleine Wildnis: Einblicke in die Lebensgemeinschaft der kleinen Raubsäuger und ihrer Beutetiere in Mitteleuropa. Bristol-Schriftenreihe 48. Haupt-Verlag, Zurich.
- Pelzers, E., 1992. Wezel Mustela nivalis L., 1766: 142-145. In: S. Broekhuizen, B. Hoekstra, V. van Laar, C. Smeenk & J.B.M. Thissen (red.). Atlas van de Nederlandse zoogdieren. Stichting Uitgeverij KNNV, Utrecht.
- Reichstein, H. 1993. Mustela nivalis Linné, 1766 – Mauswiesel: 571-626. In: J. Niethammer & F. Krapp (red.). Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas Band 5 Raubsäuger, Teil II: Mustelidae 2, Viveridae, Herpestidae, Felidae. Aula-Verlag, Wiesbaden.
- Verkem, S., J. de Maeseneer, B. Vandendriessche, G. Verbeylen & S. Yskout, 2003. Zoogdieren in Vlaanderen. Ecologie en verspreiding van 1987 tot 2002. Natuurpunt Studie/JNM-Zoogdierenwerkgroep, Mechelen/Gent.
- Vliet, J. van 2010. Wezel Mustela nivalis: 164-165. In: J.P. Bekker, M. Buisse, L. Calle, S. Dobbelaar, A. Fortuin, A. Hannewijk, C. Jacobusse, K. de Kraker, J. van Vliet, A. Wieland & J. Willemse (red.). Zoogdieren in Zeeland. Zoogdierenfauna van 1989-2008. Fauna Zeelandica. Deel 6. Zoogdierwerkgroep Zeeland & Het Zeeuwse Landschap.
- Zielinski, W.J. 2000. Weasels and Martens: Carnivores in Northern Latitudes. Ecological Studies 141: 95-118.
- Zub, K., 2004. Weasel – hard life of a small predator: 111-120. In: B. Jędrzejewska & J. M. Wójcik (red.). Essays on Mammals of Białowieża Forest. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Białowieża.
Peer-reviewed papers
- Brandt M. J. & X. Lambin 2005. Summertime activity patterns of common weasels Mustela nivalis vulgaris under differing prey abundances in grassland habitats. Acta Theriologica 50: 67–79.
- Brugge, T. 1977. Prooidierkeuze van wezel, hermelijn en bunzing in relatie tot geslacht en lichaamsgrootte. Lutra 19 (1-2): 39-49.
- Croose, E. & S.P. Carter 2019. A pilot study of a novel method to monitor weasels (Mustela nivalis) and stoats (M. erminea) in Britain. Mammal Communications 5:7-12. The Mammal Society.
- Derting, T.L. 1989. Prey selection and foraging characteristics of least weasels (Mustela nivalis) in the laboratory. American Midland Naturalist 122 (2): 394-400.
- Erlinge, S. 1975. Feeding habits of the weasel Mustela nivalis in relation to prey abundance. Oikos 26: 378-384.
- Erlinge,S . 1979. Adaptive significance of sexual dimorphism in weasels. Oikos 33: 233-245.
- Garcia Diaz P., & I. Mateos. 2009. Evaluation of three indirect methods for surveying the distribution of the Least Weasel Mustela nivalis in a Mediterranean area. Small Carnivore Conservation. 2009 Apr;40:22-26.
- Graham, I.M. 2002. Estimating weasel Mustela nivalis abundance from tunnel tracking indices at fluctuating field vole Microtus agrestis density. Wildlife Biology 8: 279-287.
- Jêdrzejewski, W., B. Jêdrzejewska & L. Szymura 1995. Weasel population response, home range, and predation on rodents in a deciduous forest in Poland. Ecology 76:179-195.
- Jêdrzejewski, W., Jêdrzejewska B., K. Zub & W.K. Nowakowski 2000. Activity patterns of radio-tracked weasels Mustela nivalis in Białowieża National Park (E Poland). Annales Zoologici Fennici 37: 161–168.
- Hellstedt P, Sundell J, Helle P, Henttonen H (2006) Large-scale spatial and temporal patterns in population dynamics of the stoat, Mustela erminea, and the least weasel, M. nivalis, in Finland. Oikos 115: 286–298.
- King C (1980) Population biology of the weasel Mustela nivalis on British game estates. Ecography 3:160–168.
- King, C.M. 1979. Moult and colour change in English weasels (Mustela nivalis). J Zool 189:127–134.
- King, C.M. 1975 The home range of the weasel (Mustela nivalis) in an English woodland. J Anim Ecol 44:639–668.
- King, C.M. 1980. The weasel Mustela nivalis and its prey in an English woodland. Journal of Animal Ecology 49: 127-159.
- King, C.M. & Edgar R.L. 1977. Techniques for trapping and tracking stoats (Mustela erminea); a review, and a new system. New Zeal J Zool 4:193–212.
- King, C. M. & P.J. Moors. 1979. On Co-Existence, Foraging Strategy and the Biogeography of Weasels and Stoats (Mustela nivalis and M. erminea) in Britain. Oecologia. Vol. 39, No. 2 (1979), pp. 129-150.
- Linn, I. & M. Day. 2009. Identification of individual weasels Mustela nivalis using the ventral pelage pattern. J Zool 148:583–585. 7998.1966.tb02975.x
- Macdonald, D.W., Tew, T.E. & I.A. Todd 2004. The ecology of weasels (Mustela nivalis) on mixed farmland in southern England. Biologia, Bratislava 59 (2): 235-241.
- McDonald, R., C. Webbon & S. Harris 2000. The diet of stoats (Mustela erminea) and weasels (Mustela nivalis) in Great Britain. Journal of Zoology 252: 363-371.
- Mcdonald, R.A. & S. Harris S.1999. The use of trapping records to monitor populations of stoats Mustela erminea and weasels M. nivalis: the importance of trapping effort. J Appl Ecol 36:679–688.
- Mos, J. & T.R. Hofmeester. 2020. The Mostela: an adjusted camera trapping device as a promising non-invasive tool to study and monitor small mustelids. Mammal Research.
- Mougeot, F., Lambin, X., Arroyo, B. & J. Luque-Larena J. 2020. Body size and habitat use of the common weasel Mustela nivalis vulgaris in Mediterranean farmlands colonised by common voles Microtus arvalis. Mammal Research 65:75–84.
- Smaal, M. & W. Van Manen. 2017. Monitoring weasels (Mustela nivalis) with nest boxes. Lutra 60 (1): 19-26.
- Wijngaarden, A. van & M.F. Mörzer Bruijns 1961. De hermelijnen, Mustela erminea L., van Terschelling. Lutra 3 (3): 35-52.
- Soininen, E.M., Jensvoll. I., Killengreen, S.T. & R.A. Ims. 2015. Under the snow: a new camera trap opens the white box of subnivean ecology. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv 1:29–38.
- Sundell, J., Norrdahl, K., Korpimäki, E. & I. Hanski. 2000. Functional response of the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis. Oikos 90:501–508.
- Tapper, S. 1979.The effect of fluctuating vole numbers (Microtus agrestis) on a population of weasels (Mustela nivalis) on farmland. J Anim Ecol 48:603–617.
- Torre, I., Raspall, A., Arrizabalaga, A. & M. Díaz. 2018. Weasel (Mustela nivalis) decline in NE Spain: prey or land use change? Mamm Res 63:501–505.
- Zielinski, W.J. 2000. Weasels and Martens: Carnivores in Northern Latitudes. Ecological Studies 141: 95-118.
- Zub, K., Fletcher, Q.E., Szafrańska ,P.A. & M. Konarzewski. 2013. Male weasels decrease activity and energy expenditure in response to high ambient temperatures. PLoS One 8:e72646.
- Zub, K., L. Sönnichsen & P. A. Szafrajska 2008. Habitat requirements of weasels Mustela nivalis constrain their impact on prey populations in complex ecosystems of the temperate zone. Oecologia 157: 571–582.
- Zub, K., Szafrańska, P.A., Konarzewski, M. & J.R. Speakman. 2011. Effect of energetic constraints on distribution and winter survival of weasel males. J Anim Ecol 80:259–269.
Reports and guidelines
- Agnew, W. 2009. What made these tracks? A guide to assist in interpreting the tracks of small mammals, lizards and insects. Chappell Printing Ltd. Warkworth.
- Bouwens, S. 2017. Handreiking Kleine Marters in relatie tot soortbescherming. Provincie Noord Brabant.
- Scholten-Huizendveld, H.T. 2019. Soortenbescherming in Overijssel Handreiking voor het aanvragen van een ontheffing.
- Schmitt, B. 2006. Das Mauswiesel in der Kulturlandschaft. Abundanz, Reviersysteme und Habitatnutzung. Laurenti Verlag, Bielefeld.
Links en downloads
Design and building schemes
- Research methods
- ‘Mostela’
- Buiscam / Tubecam
Landscape mitigation and compensation measures for small mustelids
- Boschi, C. J. Krummenacher & Helen Müri 2014. Fördermassnahmen für Wiesel im Landwirtschaftsgebiet. Ein Ansatz zur Erhaltung der Biodiversität und zur Reduktion von Wühlmausschäden im Wiesland. WIN Wieselnetz und Agrofutura AG.
- Müri, H. 2009. Wieselförderung. Ein Konzept zur Stärkung der Wieselpopulationen im Mittelland. Document van het Wieselnetz, Boniswil, Zwitserland.
- Müri, H. 2016. Kleinstrukturen für Wiesel, Iltis, Baummarder und andere Tiere. Ein Konzept zur Stärkung der Wieselpopulationen im Mittelland. Document van het Wieselnetz, Boniswil, Zwitserland.
- Westra, S.A. & R.S.M Kuiters. 2018. Beheerwijzer Landschappelijke maatregelen voor kleine marterachtigen. Versie 1 maart 2018. Zoogdiervereniging. Nijmegen.